Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Blog Assignment #6


QUESTION #1: If an action that is praised in one culture may be condemned in another, would it be correct to say that all moral values are relative to the culture they are found in?

Yes, it would be correct to say that all moral values are relative to the culture they are found in. I cant imagine that we in the USA would consider human sacrifice, or cannibilism to be okay or in any way correct, but in many cultures throughout the world it is common practice. On the same token though, in the USA, we have the Constitution, which for the most part lays out what is or is not "okay" to do in this country. But for most other countries in the world, this could never work, they think we are crazy for even having our government set up the way it is. That is why I think all moral values are relative to the culture you live in.

P. All cultures have different opinions of what is right or wrong
P. The morals of any culture are comprised of the people in that culture, not people outside of it
C: Therefore, it is correct to say that all moral values are relative to the culture they are found in

QUESTION #2: Isn’t it a mark of ignorance to pass judgments on other cultures or to claim that one culture is better than another?

I absolutely believe one person cannot and should not judge another person. So obviously if I believe one person cannot judge another, then one cannot judge another's culture. There are too many difference's in people, and their cultures. The majority of people are ignorant to other people and their cultures, so not only would passing judgement on a culture you, in all likelyhood know nothing about, be ignorant it would be outright dumb, and reflect negatively on you, and potentially your culture. Trust me this is a revelation for me, as I am no angel, and have done my fair share of passing judgement on people and their cultures, the past few weeks for whatever reason I have done a lot of growing up, and my change in opinion on this topic prove's it to me.

P. People are uneducated about other people's cultures
P. Some people refuse to learn about other cultures
C: Therefore, it is a mark of ignorance to pass judgments on other cultures

Under no circumstance is it ever okay to simply abandon a child, in our culture. However in those ancient cultures such as Sparta, Rome, or China, it may have been completely acceptable, and a widely used practice, something a parent would never even think twice about. But in our culture, I dont believe it would ever be morally acceptable to abandon a child, even though it happens seemingly often, it is never right, and should never happen.
Arguable Issue: Whether or not it is morally acceptable to abandon a child.
P. Children cannot fend for themselves
P. Without a parent a child will die( Moral Value, Based on valuing life)
P. Children cannot defend themselves from predators
C. Therefore it is Not morally acceptable to abandon a child.

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